Halkbank Beograd | IMPORTANT NOTICE about fake emails from HALKBANK

IMPORTANT NOTICE about fake emails from HALKBANK

16. mart 2022 News

Due to the increased number of reports related to malicious emails received by Halkbank's clients, we would like to hereby inform the clients that this correspondence is in no way related to the Bank nor has the Bank's Information System been compromised. It is a not at all original or sophisticated attempt at Cyber crime where the sender disguises himself as an employee of Halbank.

We ask clients to pay attention that the Bank sends emails exclusively from the domain @halkbank.rs. Every other email you receive from our Bank that is not from this domain is fake and malicious one. The sender's domain is visible (if you use an email client application such as Outlook) in broken parentheses in the 'From:' field. Other fields outside the brackets are editable and criminals can enter anything in them, including the Bank's fake domain address.

Example: From: Petar.Petrović © halkbank.rs <zrenjanin@delmax.rs>
Of course, Halkbank did not send such an email.

We would also ask customers that if they open emails on their mobile devices, they should never open email attachments on them or click on any active link in the email. The reason is that the already mentioned <> brackets are not visible on Android and iOS, and you only see the field that the sender could edit at will. Thank You and appologies for any inconvenience. Your Halkbank.