Halkbank Beograd | Domestic payment account - package

Current accounts for legal entities and entrepreneurs

Current accounts for legal entities and entrepreneurs

Within daily banking, we provide the following services:

1. Opening and maintenance of RSD current account

2. Opening and maintenance of foreign currency current account

3. E-banking

4. Sending statements of account and payment notifications

  • Daily e-mailing statements of account
  • Daily e-mailing foreign currency statements of account
  • Notification of executed foreign currency payment and of incoming payment
  • Sending copy of SWIFT message

5. SMS service and notifications

  • Enquiring statement of account
  • Notification of incoming payment
  • Notification of outgoing payment


Monthly fee is 390,00 RSD

Monthly fee accrues also in the case that some of the products/services are not executed.


Major forms:

Dear users, you can download documentation here:

List of representative services

On the following link, you can see a list of representative services

Change of the payment account

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Domestic Payment Operations

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