Halkbank Beograd | Foreign Payment Operations

Foreign payment operations

Notification of changes

Please note that according to the NBS Guidelines on Amendments and Supplements to Guidelines for Implementing the Decision on Terms and Conditions of Performing Foreign Payment Transactions there will be changes in the contents of the foreign payment operations order with reference no. 112 (goods import/export) starting from 1.4.2021.

A new obligatory field 12a is introduced to the collection order, stating the number, year and amount of the invoice/pro-forma invoice.
A new 7a field is introduced to the payment order, stating the number, year and amount of the invoice/pro-forma invoice.

The invoice/pro-forma invoice numbers stated in the orders must be in compliance with the numbers entered in the unified customs document – field 44, while the sum of collected and/or paid amounts stated in single invoices/pro-forma invoices in field 12a and/or 7a should equal the sum in the field 12 and/or 7, for reference no. 112.

The obligation for entering fields 12a and 7a refers both to the orders submitted at the Bank’s branches in hardcopies and orders sent electronically.

The bank’s client – beneficiary/ordering party shall be responsible for the accuracy of data in foreign payment orders.


Extensive experience of HALKBANK a.d. Beograd officers in performing foreign payment operations and a developed network of correspondent banks, enables clients to receive a complete service related to international payment operations, as follows:

  • Opening accounts to clients (residents / non-residents)
  • Foreign payments
  • Foreign collection
  • Foreign inflows to eur current account – Loro Transfers
  • Cashless transfers in eur from eur current account – Nostro transfers
  • Western Union transfers
  • Collection of foreign business cheques
  • Payment for business travel (advance payment/final settlement)
  • Inflows from / payments to Kosovo
  • Sales and purchase of foreign currency at foreign exchange market
  • Foreign currency loans
  • Registration of foreign borrowing with the NBS
  • Documentary operations (letter of credit, guarantee, documentary collection)
  • E-Banking – foreign exchange E-Banking

The Bank is directly connected to the SWIFT network (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), providing safe and fast international payment transactions.

What does a domestic legal entity (resident) need to make a foreign payment through HALKBANK a.d. Beograd?

  • A fully completed payment order (a blank payment order for residents, (form 70), instructions for Completing Orders)
  • A document evidencing the obligation of foreign payment (e.g. pro-forma invoice for advance payment; invoice and customs document, contract etc.)
  • Instructions for foreign payment (note: instructions must include the IBAN of the beneficiary, as well as SWIFT address of the beneficiary’s bank).

What do you need to know to receive money from abroad?

  • In order to receive payment from abroad, a legal entity or natural person need to provide from the Bank payment instructions stating foreign correspondent banks of HALKBANK for different currencies and the beneficiary’s IBAN.
  • Instructions can be obtained in any branch/sub-branch of HALKBANK at counters or from foreign payment officers.
  • Upon the receipt of a foreign payment, the legal entity-beneficiary shall deliver to the bank a document supporting the payment, as well as a request for funds allocation (either to their foreign currency account or dinar account) in a written form with its letterhead.

The deadline for sending the allocation of foreign currency inflow is 24 hours, i.e. the payment must be allocated as on the day of notification of inflow or not later than the following day. For more information please visit the nearest branch or contact us via e-mail on doznake@halkbank.rs.

Why choose HALKBANK a.d. Beograd?

  • Experts who assist you in foreign payment operations.
  • Fast processing of payment order with value date on the same day.
  • Client receives the evidence of executed payment on the day of execution.
  • Received funds can be used on the day of funds allocation.
  • Possibility of advance payment of inflows (before value date)
  • All types of foreign collections for legal entities, as well as loro transfers in the country are executed with no fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Through HALKBANK you can make payments to any country in the world in 10 different currencies.

SWIFT address of HALKBANK a.d. Beograd is CABARS22

Correspondent banks of HALKBANK a.d. Beograd

Bank Swift address Currency
Commerzbank AG Frankfurt COBADEFF EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, SEK
Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna GIBAATWG USD, EUR
Raiffeisen Bank International AG RZBAATWW EUR
Ziraat Bank International AG TCZBDEFF EUR
Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. TRHBTR2A EUR, USD, TRY
Halk Banka a.d. Skopje EXPCMK22 EUR


The International Bank Account Number – IBAN is an international standard for identifying bank accounts. IBAN was originally adopted to facilitate payments within the European Union, but today it is one of the basic conditions for automatic data processing for foreign payments. Serbia implemented it on January 1st, 2005 as a technical innovation for facilitating payment operations through the network of foreign correspondent banks.
The IBAN consists of two-letter country codes (ISO 3166-1), followed by a control number (two digits) and up to thirty alphanumeric characters for the domestic bank account number. An IBAN in Serbia consists of 22 alphanumeric codes starting with RS35.

Foreign-exchange E-Banking

The clients of HALKBANK may also carry out foreign exchange transactions with the bank by means of E-Banking. Clients who effect foreign payments from their own foreign exchange accounts and send payment orders electronically, are eligible to a 20% discounted fee. Through foreign exchange E-Banking, clients may also purchase and sell foreign currency and allocate their foreign inflows. All clients interested in using foreign exchange E-Banking can send us an e-mail to devizniebank@ halkbank.rs or go to their branch/sub-branch.