Register your HALKBANK Mastercard or Visa payment card in Fidesmo Pay digital wallet on your Android or IOS device, connect your wearable device and pay in more simple way, wearing only your favorite accessory – ring, bracelet, tag, watch...
Android or IOS device which supports NFC technology
Wearable device (ring, bracelet, tag, watch...) of the brand’s that have a partnership with Fidesmo Pay
One of HALKBANK Mastercard or Visa cards
You can add card Online, or through Android or IOS app.
Online: connect your card during the online shopping of the wearable device.
Android or IOS app:
Fidesmo Pay partner – Tapster
Fidesmo Pay partner – Pagopace
The list of all Fidesmo Pay partners you can find following the link Wearables - Fidesmo