Halkbank Beograd | Mastercard Business Credit

Mastercard Business Credit

  • Funds available in the amount of the provided credit limit in RSD
  • Revolving model of repayment (Minimal amount is 10% of total debt or 3000.00RSD)
  • Fixed interest rate
  • Deferred payment of debt with no interest for up to 45 days
  • Payment for goods and services at points of sales in the country and abroad (with possibilty of contactless payment)
  • Safe internet purchase using 3DS 2.0 technology
  • Flexibility at any time with simple management of daily and monthly limits
  • Possibility of connecting with 99 additional cards

Terms and Conditions

Name  Mastercard Business Credit
Binding conditions for issuing Opened account at HALKBANK
Possibility of use In the country, abroad and on Internet
Card technology Chip - Contactless
Issuing additional cards Yes, 99 additional credit cards
Expiry of plastics 36 months
Automatic reissuing No
Limit per card Approved credit limit
ATMs Yes
POS Terminals Yes
Internet Yes (3DSecure)
PayPall, Aliexpress website Yes
Deferred payment Yes
Applying for a card At branches / sub-branches
Distribution of card and PIN Card delivery to branches / sub-branches
Generating PIN code at POS terminal at branch/sub-branch
Time for production and distribution Maximum 14 business days from date of the request


Daily limits In the country
Daily limit for cash drawdown RSD 50,000.00 (maximum 10 transactions)
Daily limit for payment for goods/services RSD 100,000.00 (maximum 50 transactions)
Internet purchase RSD 100,000.00 (maximum 20 transactions)
Daily limits Abroad
Daily limit for cash drawdown EUR 500.00 (maximum 10 transactions)
Daily limit for payment for goods/services EUR 1,000.00 (maximum 50 transactions)
Internet purchase EUR 1,000.00 (maximum 20 transactions)
Monthly limit In the country
Monthly limit for cash drawdown RSD 600,000.00 (maximum 30 transactions)
Monthly limit for payment for goods/services RSD 600,000.00 (maximum 200 transactions)
Internet purchase RSD 300,000.00 (maximum 30 transactions)
Monthly limit Abroad
Monthly limit for cash drawdown EUR 5,000.00 (maximum 30 transactions)
Monthly limit for payment for goods/services EUR 5,000.00 (maximum 200 transactions)
Internet purchase EUR 2,500.00 (maximum 30 transactions)


Representative example for a revolving MasterCard Business Revolving – PL client

Amount From 1.000,00 EUR to 20.000,00 EUR 
Currency of the limit RSD
Maturity (months) Up to 36 months
Down payment None
Minimum monthly obligation 10% minimum 3,000 RSD
Nominal interest rate Up to 25.20%
Fixed rate (p.a.)
Bank fee None
Repayment In monthly instalments
Collateral Depending on the degree of credit indebtedness
Representative example
Loan amount 500.000 RSD
NIR (monthly) 2,10%
Maturity (months) 36
Monthly instalment 54,450.00 RSD
Total amount 615,214.52 RSD
Other costs 1,440,00 RSD Credit Bureau
400,00 RSD Promissory notes
200,00 RSD Monthly membership fee
390,00 RSD Monthly maintenance of account package
Collateral 8 Promissory notes
EIR 31.35%

 Calculated as at 10.09.2021.

Representative example for revolving credit card MasterCard Business revolving – PR client

Amount From 1.000,00 EUR to 20.000,00 EUR
Currency of the limit RSD
Maturity (months) Up to 36 months
Down payment None
Minimum monthly obligation 10% minimum 3,000 RSD
Nominal interest rate Up to 25.20%
Fixed rate (p.a.)
Bank fee None
Repayment In monthly instalments
Collateral Depending on the degree of credit indebtedness
Representative example
Loan amount 500.000 RSD
NIR (monthly) 2,10%
Maturity (months) 36
Monthly instalment 54,450.00 RSD
Total amount 614,374.52 RSD
Other costs 600,00 RSD Credit Bureau
400,00 RSD Promissory notes
200,00 RSD Monthly membership fee
390,00 RSD Monthly maintenance of account package
Collateral 8 Promissory notes
EIR 31,04%

Calculated as at 10.09.2021.